Welcome to Your Therapeutic Journey

Discover the depths of your inner strength, embrace your growth, and empower your path. Your story matters; let's navigate it together.

The Journey, PLLC offers:

  • Adult Mental Health Counseling (NC and SC)

  • Mental Health Counseling for Adults & Young Adults with Down Syndrome (NC and SC)

  • Addiction Therapy for Adults (NC and SC)

  • Clinical Supervision for LCMHCAs, LCASAs, CADCs, and CSIs (NC)


  • Welcome to a transformative experience! Let's explore the depths together and uncover new paths to growth and healing free (if that’s for you) of substance use.

  • Come join me on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we'll scale new heights and navigate through challenges with courage - whether it’s relationships, jobs/school, life-transitions - we’ll take this journey together!

  • It's time to elevate your potential and soar to new heights. Let's conquer obstacles and embrace your true capabilities. Available for LCMHCAs, LCASAs, and CADCs in NC.